Voice Inside, organized by Sunila Bajracharya

Voice Inside, organized by Sunila Bajracharya

About the exhibition

We all hear voices. Some come from inside, and others come from outside. The truest voice is the voice coming from inside which only you can hear. We hear this voice day and night. It can be loud, or soft, or strong, or annoyed, or happy, or sad. When we let our inner voice out it can create different forms of art, sometimes in words, sometimes with color, sometimes in three dimensions, sometimes with only lines. This expression can vary every day depending on the hardness of materials, the stiffness of mind, and the softness of heart. Inner voices are universal and interconnected. Even if someone doesn’t speak, they still have an inner voice. If we listen carefully, we may hear it.

About Sunila Bajracharya

I was so delighted to curate this small show of NIAD artists, where I see so much freedom of expression, exploration and artistic honesty. Listening to your inner voice is the art of living.

I work as a curator for the Cedars of Marin, a program for artists with disabilities in San Anselmo, CA. I find working at Cedars supports my creativity and this encourages me to live in the moment and create a happy life. Art is a universal language so there are no boundaries, yet we need the right place to be. 

I became seriously involved in art in 1994, and that brought me and my family to California in 2006. Currently I am doing an artist residency at Art Works Downtown in San Rafael, CA. As a painter I work in both acrylic and oil, and with wire, wax and clay when sculpting. I am fascinated by the expressiveness of the human form at rest, and the stories in every human face. 

I wish the best of luck for each of the artists in this show.