Our Mission

The way she sees it is we need love in different ways. Be nice to one another.

NIAD artist Karen May

Founded in Richmond, California in 1982, NIAD Art Center promotes creative expression, independence, dignity and community integration by, with, and for people with disabilities.

NIAD has since expanded into an in-person and virtual program supporting more than 75 artists who exhibit their work at galleries, museums and fairs worldwide. Working alongside artist facilitators and support staff, NIAD artists sustain vital art practices and take an active role in the development of their careers as professional artists—careers that can span decades.

Originally National Institute for Artists with Disabilities, now known as Nurturing Independence Through Artistic Development), NIAD is one of the nation's first progressive art studios. 

Along with sister studios Creativity Explored and Creative Growth, NIAD Art Center was dreamed into being by Florence Ludins-Katz and Dr. Elias Katz as a studio and exhibition space for disabled artists to create, display, and sell their artwork. Everyone at NIAD contributes to a creative community where each artist’s voice is valued and heard. 

Today, NIAD artists enjoy representation by established contemporary art galleries and are included in the permanent collections of museums around the world. For all its international acclaim, the NIAD community remains deeply rooted in the San Francisco Bay Area. Together, NIAD artists and staff continue to redefine contemporary art.

Our Vision

A unified community where everyone is included, and art makes the individual and their story visible.

Our Values

  • Diversity, inclusivity, and accessibility
  • Open, straightforward communication
  • Support, respect, and safe spaces
  • Our community and the opportunity to work together
  • Environmental awareness and sustainability
  • Artistic growth and hard work
  • Exploration, change, taking risks, and failing forward
  • Trust, mindfulness, and self-ownership
  • The needs and perspectives of others
  • Humor, fun, and joy!

NIAD is a registered 501(c)3 (94-2837552)