Volunteer at NIAD

Become a crucial part of the NIAD community by giving your time in the studios and galleries, at events, and behind-the-scenes.

The NIAD Volunteer Program is an opportunity for artists, art lovers, and disability justice advocates to help NIAD artists and staff achieve their goals.

Whether you can commit once a week, once a month, or once in a blue moon, we encourage you to apply!

You can contact the NIAD Volunteer Team anytime at volunteer@niadart.org

A photograph of several people standing outside. The figure most in focus is in the foreground . They have short blond hair, light skin, and a hand-sewn dress made of pink and green fabrics with a white fabric flower sewn near the neckline. The person is smiling at the camera, carrying a wrapped canvas, and wearing a badge that says "Volunteer." In the blurry background, there are other people milling around and looking at art on tables.
An image of several people in an art studio. In the center of the photo stands a person with short curly brown hair and brown skin. They wear a green sweater and a black mask, and they are showing a green piece of paper to a young person seated at a table. The paper has been cut and folded in an intricate spiral pattern. There is a similarly cut piece of purple paper on the table. Another adult wearing a blue plaid jacket stands in the background watching the demonstration.

This is a phenomenal place, full of energy, and I think real fearlessness. I try to look at what the artist’s style is and I try to get a sense of how they like to deal with the materials, and then maybe amplify that a little bit.

NIAD Volunteer Anita Carse

Ways to Get Involved

  • Catalog physical media and update online shop
  • Support Second Saturday art receptions
  • Price and merchandise items for studio sales and storefront

This important, behind-the-scenes work increases the visibility of our prolific studio artists.

  • Organize art supplies
  • Keep work areas clean
  • Assist artists as needed

Volunteering in the NIAD Studio is different every day.

Our music studio seeks volunteers with audio engineering skills to:

  • Arrange various live sound setups for artists
  • Manage simple, multi-track recording
  • Mix and master recordings

Once a week or once a month, our prolific sound creators are in need of extra audio support. 

Many Bay Area organizations are achieving local and social impact through employee volunteering right here on 23rd Street in Richmond. NIAD Art Center provides a fun, easy and engaging experience for your employees.

Your organization’s contributions help make NIAD Art Center an inclusive hub of creativity, here in Richmond and in the contemporary art world at large.

Take Action! Get your team involved in a vibrant, community based art space and volunteer at NIAD today.
