"Told Through a Line" organized by Risa Lenore (online exhibition)

A depiction of an animal with four legs, pointed ears, and a large blotch of red ink running down its back.

About the exhibition

The thread holding this exhibition together is a black line (or the whispers of a line behind a small red worm). Sometimes the lines make words or stretch into a shape, or are lightly drawn, separating one color from another. The lines define, reveal, and strengthen the artwork.  Some lines in this show tuck in amongst a combustible red. What happens to that creature, drawn in black, splashed with red? How did the shapes gather here? Why is one glove alone? All the pieces here are part of a story- a tale that begins, continues, or ends in the expressed moment. These works suggest a larger narrative, and they invite you, the viewer, into a storytelling game- Tell a story with a chosen piece as your springboard. There are no wrong answers.

About the organizer

Berkeley based artist, puppeteer and educator Risa Lenore is known for her creative energy in teaching and for her engaging puppet shows. Working mostly with paper, fabric and wood, she playfully combines colors, story and textures into visual theatre-in-motion/art-in-motion. From 2019 to 2020, she was an artist in residence at the El Cerrito Recycling Center and built all new puppets and stories from milk jugs, suitcases and books. After attending Jaques LeCoq’s School of International Theatre in Paris, France in 2009, Risa designed and implemented her own curriculum combining theatre, creative movement and storytelling, a program that has had great success in the Bay Area.