"Green Spaghetti," organized by Kayla Risko (online exhibition)

"Green Spaghetti," organized by Kayla Risko (online exhibition)

About Green Spaghetti

The works in this exhibition share an adventurous and sensitive use of color, and a playful spirit. 

The two paintings by Evelyn Davis have a kind of giddy energy, with brush marks pushing transparent magenta across the surface. In another, the magentas are enmeshed with greens and silvery grays with the same urgency.

Erika Martinez's shapes here seem like vessels for color. Vibrant circles hover and blip in a bright blue tint. Elsewhere, a pink curlicue sits - curving and stable, pensive. The neighboring hand pressing in, or out. One can imagine the conversations the curlicue and the hand might be having.

And there are cool waters where Saul Alegria’s blue seal swims. The seal will glide off soon, deeper into the sunlit water, but for now is poised within the frame, tail toying with the left edge to make a squiggle. To be a seal in seafoam!

Three drawings by Sara Malpass round out the show, on handmade papers that impart muted warmth to a fresh array of greens, oranges and yellows. Malpass highlights the phrase ‘green spaghetti’ at the top of one, the words written with green colored pencil, then made brighter with a band of lighter green - to heighten the evocation, the words had to be green - while below, the froggy creatures are frolicking among the shapes and inviting us to join.

About the organizer

Kayla Risko is a visual artist and teacher from Massachusetts, currently based in Chicago, IL. She makes paintings and drawings.