Empty Kind Of Full, organized by Tara Neuffer

Empty Kind Of Full, organized by Tara Neuffer
two large dots, yellow on top, red on the bottom

About the Exhibition

I like the in-between spaces in these works. They create an effect of a question - a question you may have never thought to ask until you saw those exact colors and forms situated just as they are here!

Carlota Rodriguez’s triangles of red, yellow, blue and brown boldly point into the center of an infinite current. Is the puzzle, in fact, most complete when nothing fits together?

Jesus Salas suspends both love and time in mid-air for us to consider side by side. Where is that place that love is experienced outside of time?

Ann Meade’s cat of two shadows seems to prefer their feet off the ground.

What questions come to your mind?

*In memory of former NIAD artist Darlene Farr.


About the Organizer

Tara Neuffer is the Administrative Coordinator at NIAD. She enjoys making art, reading, resting and eating!