Brandon Harris

At NIAD since 2024
Brandon Harris

Everybody loves my art. Go to NIAD and look me up. I've been here 3 days a week -- look at me now.

Brandon Harris (b.1989) is a Bay Area artist who joined NIAD Art Center in 2024. Working mainly in painting and sculpture, he reimagines pop culture icons in boldly colored, expressive portraits. Among the subjects are famed musicians and athletes, as Harris elaborates, “I’ve got big canvases going, and I’ve done a whole bunch of musicians: Prince, Nelly, T-Pain, Lauryn Hill. I painted Rocky and Mike Tyson too.”

Harris’s work has been featured in group exhibitions including Reflections at Sonoma State University, and Now Presenting in the Main Gallery at NIAD. His painting of Sylvester Stallone as “Rocky” was chosen to represent NIAD in Art Passages 2024 at the Contra Costa County Admin Building. 

Brandon Harris has just recently started making art at NIAD. Their artist statement is currently being developed.