Artist of the Month Series: Peter Harris, online exhibition

Artist of the Month Series: Peter Harris, online exhibition

About the exhibition

"I made all of these.

Pink, green, blue: it's art."

Over the past few years, NIAD artists have been delving deeper into the curatorial aspects of their practices by participating in our Artist of the Month program, which converts a portion of the communal studio into an installation and exhibition space. Working individually or in teams, artists elect to display completed work, experiment with wall murals and site-specific installations, or perform art, poetry, and music.

We are thrilled to present the following collection based on an AOM installation directed by Peter Harris. Peter selected a number of his ceramics, prints, and paintings, and continued to add new work to the space for the duration of the show. Eventually every surface, including the sides of pedestals, showcased his distinctive whorled forms.

an image of an art installation in a gallery. there is a wall on the right side of the image, covered in prints on paper of scribbled forms in different colors. There are several pedestals in front of the wall, toward the center and bottom of the photo. The pedestals are also covered on each side with drawings on paper that are energetic gestural abstract drawings of cloud forms. On top of the pedestals are lumpy glazed ceramic vessels.

About the artist

Peter Harris has been creating work at NIAD Art Center since 1995. During this time, he's developed a robust multi-disciplinary practice that includes lustrous ceramic vessels, prints, and artist books. The above photographs feature the artist surveying progress on his month-long solo exhibition. 

NIAD’s garden and window sills boast an impressive collection of Peter’s ceramics, which double as dazzling planters, year round! Enjoy more of Peter’s available work listed below.