A Stick In The Snow, organized by Joanna and Milo Moyer-Battick

an ink drawing of a cactus in the lower left corner and a bunch of five balloons with long strings filling the rest of the page.
an ink drawing of a cactus in the lower left corner and a bunch of five balloons with long strings filling the rest of the page.

About the exhibition

A Stick In The Snow comprises a body of work held together by intimacy and fragility. Often minimalistic, the artworks Milo and Joanna Moyer-Battick chose to highlight from the vast NIAD collection are quiet in nature but exude an immediate emotional charge.

Like many of the drawings in this grouping, black linework is often surrounded by an expanse of the blank white page. The present 'figure' takes on a lonely if not stoic stance in the field of negative space.

Since growing up in the often harsh winters of northern Vermont, Joanna and Milo noticed a rapport with these types of previously mentioned compositions, and the visual poetry of grass, weeds, and sticks poking out of the otherwise cold expanses of snow. The sense of a form struggling to poke through and be seen. A delicate yet raw expression existing without a background or framework.

About the organizers

Jo Moyer-Battick, 1990, studied Photography, Anthropology and Gender Studies at Marlboro College, graduating in 2012. She now resides in Portland, ME. Jo makes illustration and photography a part of her daily ritual, playing with humor and absurdism and often including herself in her work.

Milo Moyer-Battick, 1990, grew up in northern Vermont and graduated from the University of Southern Maine with a BFA in printmaking in 2012. He now resides in Oakland, CA and works full time as registrar/director at Gallery 16 in San Francisco. Milo makes drawings, paintings and prints sporadically, and often shifts between processes and source materials on a whim. Tactile mediums and time intensive actions are recurring elements of his practice, along with the use of overhead and digital projectors.