Lost In Translations*, Selected By Matthieu Morin (online exhibition)

Lost In Translations*, Selected By Matthieu Morin (online exhibition)

About the exhibition

Getting lost is our greatest freedom.
Take a path without knowing the end or the stones.
Plunge into cold or boiling water, is it really water?
Freedom is wandering.
The steamer descends the blue slopes of Big Colorado
under coal explosions. Helmeted armies take their strength
in the yellow eye and the red sun of the Moscow river.
The hills fall like cakes out of the oven
yes ja! yes ja! shouts the red child.

- Matthieu Morin

*These texts were intentionally google-translated to be lost.

About the selector

Matthieu Morin is a French folk & outsider art lover and collector  living in Lille-Hauts de France. Morin is the author of Des Pépites dans le Goudron! / Nuggets in the Tar! a road-trip novel dedicated to outsider environments in the US and published by Knock Outsider in 2019. Morin is also a musician and co-founder of the La Belle Brute collective, a French label dedicated to performing and producing outsider music. In 2019, Matthieu Morin curated the exhibition, America does not exist! (I know, I've already been there) at the Art & Marges Museum in Brussels, Belgium. Inspired by a Henry Miller citation in Tropic of Cancer (1954), the exhibition had the intention to transport the public to a fictive representation of the USA through the eyes and the art of international outsider and contemporary artists. This show included several artists from NIAD: Jonathan Velazquez, Karen May, and Heather Copus!

The entire exhibition

Available work