Night Vision, Selected By Christina Linden (online exhibition)

Night Vision, Selected By Christina Linden (online exhibition)

About the exhibition

This is the slow, sleepy, darkest part of the year. We take shelter away from the rain and under warm blankets. From this year’s midnight, the series of works presented here conjure for me all the rich visions that bloom at night and under the cover of dark. What can we see at this hour, illuminated by the moon and the stars, that may disappear as the light of morning or the light of spring returns?

About the selector

As a curator, educator, and cultural producer, Christina Linden supports social relevancy and creates platforms for underrepresented voices. Her recent shows have addressed feminism, queer culture, performance, social practice, and the interplay of art, the environment, and history/herstory/hxstory. She has curated projects at the Oakland Museum of California, Stanford University, SFMOMA, Kadist, and the Hessel Museum, and has taught at Carnegie Mellon University, SFAI, CSU, and Bard College. Her writing has been published in Art in America, Fillip, and Modern Painters. Linden holds an MA in Curatorial Studies from Bard College, and a BA in Art History from New York University. She is Associate Professor in the Graduate Program in Curatorial Practice at CCA and the Interim Executive Director at Art Practical.