About the exhibition
As the title clearly states, this selection of works from 12 NIAD artists would be what I, Clea, would like to buy on any “fuck it, I want it“ kind of day. As curators, the biased or subjective factor is always present in the composition of an exhibition. Although taste and genre are often present and presented as core aspects of the curation process, the ownership aspirations of the work is not mentioned as nearly as, according to me, it should.
Following a conversation with Tim Buckwalter, Director of Exhibitions at NIAD, on successful sales platforms and high traffic, Sunday Night (Impulse Buy) refers to the last drive art lover's might get right before Monday morning hits.
About the selector
Cléa Massiani is a curator and art professional based in San Francisco. She is the founder and co director of Bass & Reiner Gallery, located in Minnesota Street Project, a curatorial space dedicated to foster dynamic dialogues in the Bay Area emerging art scene. She is currently the Exhibition Coordinator at Creativity Explored, a progressive art center for artists with developmental disabilities. Massiani has curated and co-curated several shows in museums and galleries and held professional art positions both in Europe and the United States.