More Free Stuff from #NIADatHome: We’ve Created Some Zoom Backgrounds Just For You

Using a selection of works from NIAD artists, we’re offering a plethora of Zoom backdrops, perfect for a business meeting, social hour or family connection. There is likely one for every taste and preference (with the artist’s name embedded on the image, in case anyone asks you). And they are free!
Here’s a step-by-step guide:
- Download the NIAD background(s) to a folder on your computer.
- In the Zoom app, click your profile in the top right corner, and click Settings.
- On the menu to the left, click Virtual Background.
- You’ll see a few default background options provided by Zoom, including an outer space scene or blades of grass. You can choose one of those by clicking on it, and it will automatically change your screen as well. There’s also an option for if you have a green screen and want to use that.
- If you want to upload an image (like NIAD’s artworks) to use as your background, on the same Virtual Background Page, click the + icon next to where it says Choose Virtual Background. A box will pop up allowing you to upload a photo from your computer. Click on the image you want, and it will appear alongside the other pictures as an option for you to choose from.
- To get rid of any images you upload, tap the X in their top left corner.
- Enjoy.