NIAD Works the Runway
September 14, 2024

At the NIAD Fashion Show last month, we saw more artists from NIAD in one place since before the pandemic, and in their full array: the moves, the looks, the fashions.

NIAD's staff - from our Community, Studio, and Art Marketing Programs, along with our Admin Team and many, many volunteers - all had a hand in making the event dazzle.

NIAD's Board, sponsors like Foggy Notion and ReLove, donors, artists' families, sister studios, art collectors, virtual visitors, and fans were all in attendance to their give support in all the ways that matter.

In short, friends: you all showed up for NIAD, at one of our biggest events of the year! THANK YOU.

When you are here, we sparkle. When you support NIAD artists, we shine. Together, we ensure NIAD's community continues to thrive, and even more, to embody the innate creativity that is The Way We Are, Now.

Congratulations to the event organizer, Studio Director Shantanice Swain, and thanks to everyone who made the event a success. We are still glowing.