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Volunteer Meet & Greet – Saturday, June 10th, Noon – 1:00pm

Volunteer Meet and Greet on Saturday, June 10th, 12-1pm. Just us for a sneak peak hour and explore volunteer opportunities available at NIAD art center.

NIAD Art Center is opening its doors one hour early on June 10th to welcome in current volunteers and curious would-be volunteers! During this *sneak peek* we’ll enjoy art, refreshments, and chat about volunteer opportunities at NIAD. We invite current or former volunteers to join us in welcoming interested community members to our space and sharing your stories and experiences.

Staff will be on hand to answer questions about our volunteer application process, responsibilities, and opportunities. 

Thank you in advance to anyone who is considering sharing your time talents with our community. You are appreciated!

Volunteer opportunities are available in Fiber Arts, Printmaking, Ceramics, Painting, Sound Engineering, Exhibitions, Administration, Events, Art Cataloging and More. All volunteers must be 19 years of age or older.

Questions? You can always reach us at

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