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NIAD Goes Remote!

Dear NIAD Community, 

We have made the decision to return to Virtual programming and remote work at NIAD for now.

This was not an easy decision, but because we are committed to the health and safety of everyone in the NIAD community, we will remain in the Virtual Studio until we begin to see the most recent national wave of COVID cases decrease.

Fortunately our Virtual Studio is a robust creative environment for artists to make work, and staff are prepared to be in contact with all of our studio artists to support their continued practices. 

We are thankful for the past few months of time to see each other and create in person, and hope this can help propel us through what we hope will be a very short-term shift in programming.

We will always have a small team at NIAD, Monday through Friday, 9am to 4pm, to answer phone calls and emails—please reach out to us if you need to.

For our audiences planning to visit this weekend’s opening of Relics of the Future, curated by Jessica Snow, we are sorry we won’t see you in person! Please look for a rescheduled reception date for this phenomenal exhibition. In the meantime, Saturday will still see a live virtual walkthrough of the show with sparkling commentary by Jessica, Julio and artists in the exhibition. RSVP here for the link!


NIAD Art Center’s Directors, Leads, and Staff

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