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Interesting Read : Facebook Isn’t A Community, It’s A Company Town//

Deatra Colbert

Thoughts on the Facebook scandal and what community really means by our friend Mike Monteiro. (Mike will be organizing the show in our Main Gallery in March 2019):

“A few years ago I gave a talk on the Facebook campus. Campus is the most important word in that sentence. Corporations don’t have offices anymore they have campuses. And that’s not an accident. The last time I was part of a campus I was in college. I have fond memories of that campus. I grew up there. I met my friends there. I ate there. I saw bands there. I fell in love there. I had my heart broken there. I worked there. I shopped at the campus store. I even managed to attend a few classes there. And for the first year of my college life, I lived there. For the length of my college stay that campus was the center of my community. And for people who attend college, this is the first community we experience outside the community we grew up in. It’s our first community as supposed adults, where we have a higher degree of agency.

“We’re hard wired for community. We’ve been living in communities forever in terms of needing the numbers to go hunt or to go collect berries.” says Dan Sinker. Dan has been building communities since he started Punk Planet, a magazine I probably read on that college campus, to his days running Open News, a community of news nerds…”

Read the rest.

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