An Update From Our Executive Director//

As we all settle into new routines, the reality of life in these new patterns is starting to set in: we’re going to be here for a while, and it’s not always easy to get comfortable. 

We’ve tried to make it a little easier – the same coloring books, online exhibitions, playlists, and #NIADathome you see here goes out to all our artists too, and it becomes fuel for new art practice conversations.

In the virtual studio for the past three weeks, NIAD staff have been working with artists and their care providers to ensure access to digital tools for connecting. 

Daily Town Hall Meetings have grown from around a dozen participants to well over 30 some days – getting close to our usual studio attendance and getting loose with conversation, daily movement practice, news, and music. 

Every artist now has access to technology and opportunities to connect, whether it’s fiber arts circle, Bingo, one-to-one conversations on the phone, or the Artists’ Advisory Committee. 

However, one of the most important ongoing supports for NIAD artists is the sale of art. While NIAD is closed, studio artists’ careers still develop – and their income still matters as a measure of their professionalism and a part of their budget. NIAD continues to produce exceptional online exhibitions each week with curatorial partners from our greater network, like the inimitable Marjetica Potrc, who took time out during her Headlands Residency this past fall to select the artworks you see this week. Take a look, and maybe buy some art – you’ll be supporting artists who are still hard at work, everyday. 

Thank you for your support, now more than ever.

In community,

Amanda Eicher
Executive Director, NIAD Art Center